A selected piece & charm.
As a jewellery brand renowned for its unique and customizable products, Pandora prioritised ensuring that its influencer marketing remained completely organic. They sought aspirational and fashionable influencers to authentically showcase their pieces, aligning with the brand's ethos. Paid collaborations felt inauthentic and did not fit Pandora's values.
However, sourcing influencers who were open to contra gifting at scale and capable of creating beautiful, unique UGC proved challenging. They often encountered difficulties with unresponsive influencers or those unwilling to participate in contra gifting. With these hurdles, Pandora needed a reliable platform where they could confidently connect with high-quality influencers for gifting collaborations.
To overcome these challenges, Pandora turned to the #gifted platform, a comprehensive solution that seamlessly connects brands with influencers open to contra gifting. The platform's robust targeting capabilities and streamlined interface made it easy for Pandora to identify and engage with influencers who not only aligned with their brand ethos but were also interested in authentic, organic collaborations.
By leveraging #gifted, Pandora efficiently sourced a curated selection of 20 high-quality influencers, ensuring each partnership felt genuine and reflective of the brand's values. They received an assortment of beautifully shot photos in Europe fits, try-on reels and GRWM highlight showcases. The influencers showcased the jewellery in their own authentic style, enhancing the brand's social media presence and strengthening its connection with consumers. This strategic use of #gifted allowed Pandora to maintain its commitment to authenticity while effectively scaling its influencer marketing efforts.
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