Can I gift as many people as I want?

If you are in #Gifted Pro subscription, you can gift as many people as you want. As for #Gifted Starter, you can only gift up to 10 creators per campaign. Meanwhile, #Gifted Grow can only gift up to 30 creators per campaign.

Can I use it to get written reviews on our website or amazon?

You absolutely can! Building up positive reviews of your product or service is a fantastic way to use #gifted.

Do they need to disclose that the product is gifted?

We always recommend using #gifted on any social media post related to a product or service that has been provided to an influencer for review. It’s always best to check the requirements in your country regarding disclosure for advertising.

What countries do you operate in?

#gifted is designed to be used world over.

Do I get to choose who I gift?

You sure do! You’ll be able to see all the influencers who are interested, view their profiles, their past reviews from brands, engagement rate, content, and so much more. They’ll even write you an application message as to why they want to be gifted! Then you pick the people who best align with your campaign goal.

How will I know who’s posted or done a review?

We make that super simple by showing the content on the ‘Completed Content’ tab of your gifting offer. Never miss a post again, or do that #awkward chase up and then realise they’ve already shared!

Where can I use the content that I get through #gifted? Can I use it for ads?

We have a plan available for clients who want to use content for paid amplification, ads, on their home page, in newsletters etc. With the #Gifted PRO Subscription, you get full content licensing rights to use all influencer-created content for any online or digital marketing for as long as you're subscribed to the PRO plan.

If you are not on the PRO plan, you can repost the content organically on your feed, but you need to credit the creator, and you may not boost or amplify the post.

Are creators guaranteed to post if I gift them?

Gifting is a great way to get brand awareness and content, but it is not a paid engagement where you get to dictate exactly what the creator posts, or exactly when. That would be a paid campaign. You may have done gifting previously through a PR agency, or directly through sending goodies out to influencers or fans directly, so #gifted takes that manual process and automates it, with people who have actually said they want to receive your items. As the creator has said ‘YES!” to your gift, it’s very very likely they’ll post about your brand. Plus, you get to leave them a review, so they’re highly incentivised to do the collab you’ve both agreed to. That said, of course if you want 100% guaranteed posts, the only way to do that is via payment. In our experience, over 90% of creators that are gifted will post, and we back that up by ensuring anyone who receives a negative review is removed from our marketplace. This is one of the many ways #gifted helps you in a cost effective way to scale your gifting and get your brand out there!

Am I able to set up more than one brand on my account? I work at a PR agency

It is in the pipeline! At the moment, it’s one brand per account. You can either sign up as your PR agency (your logo will show on the gifts) and create gifts for each of your clients, or you can create a unique account for each of your clients (using a different email address at your agency) and add their logo to show on each gift. It's up to you! 

Who decides what the influencer will post and when?

If you want to dictate exactly what the influencer posts, and give them a specific brief, then that is a paid campaign. #gifting is about giving your product or service to a creator in exchange for an authentic review in their own style. When you post your gift on #gifted, you select the kind of content you’re open to in exchange - this can include things like tiktok video, IG stories, a reel, or a blog post. You can also chat directly with the creator before decided to collab with them in our inbuilt chat. From there, you send them the product or provide them the service so they can experience your brand and work their magic! We suggest allowing a minimum of 2 weeks from when the influencer receives the product to create any reviews or posts. Don’t forget they have paid engagements and other campaigns on the go, and you want to give them time to really try the product and review it in a meaningful way. We’ll send creators a reminder at the 14 day mark if they havent marked the collab as ‘complete’ so you dont have to follow up, but you’re of course welcome to keep in touch with them in the chat too! It’s always nice for them to receive a note from you to ask how they are liking the product and if they have any questions.

When and how can I leave reviews?

At the end of each collab, we want to hear how it went! There is an opportunity for each party (brand and creator) to review each other. This helps keep the marketplace working seamlessly! There is also the opportunity to leave feedback that comes just to us at #gifted, if you want to let us know something that is just between us ;) 

BRANDS: You can do this at any time for your booked influencers by tapping the Review button next to their profile info.

INFLUENCER: You can review the brand once the gift has been completed. Simply mark the collab as ‘complete’ and a prompt will show in your messages :) 

Can we cancel our subscription at any time?

Absolutely! You can upgrade, downgrade, cancel or change plans any time. There's no lock in contracts, just simple month-to-month subscription.

What is the difference between paid and contra gifting?

In paid influencer campaigns, a brand provides the brief, due dates and times, content approval process, and can have a lot more involvement in the creative process with the creator. Think of it like creating a collaborative advertising campaign with the creator - you are paying them to advertise your brand to their audience.

In contra gifting, you’re gifting your product or service to creators with the hope that they will love it and share their authentic feelings and experiences with their audience. Remember, mid-tier and macro-influencers normally get given products plus payment to collaborate and promote brands. If you only have contra available and not monetary compensation, then make sure you’re making it worth their while, and being realistic with your expectations on deliverables and time frames. 

If you’d like someone to post on their social media channels, make sure the gift you are giving them is enticing, well presented, and something they are going to want to share with their followers.

#gifted has solved a lot of the pain points with contra gifting - instead of sliding into peoples DM’s hoping they might reply, or sending out product unsolicited and hoping someone might share something, we allow influencers to ‘opt in’ to what they receive and you to select from those who have expressed interest in collaborating with you. This means instead of 20-30% of creators posting from unsolicited gifting (that’s the average across the industry when using a PR agency or posting out directly from addresses sourced from social media), your success rate through gifted will be 80-90%!! 

How can I get the best interest & awesome content from creators?

That’s an easy one!

  1. Make your gift stand out. Dont forget, the influencer interface is a dating app style - swipe left and right for things they love. So the photos you add are super important! A great gift has 3-5 images, and the best ranking gifts are over $250 in value. That means the top creators will want to collab with you.
  2. Make sure the product/services you give them are wow - personalise the delivery with a hand written note, make the delivery wow with branded boxes & paper/merch. 
  3. Include anything that helps them make great content - for example if there’s any props (if you’re a gin brand, you might also send some beautiful cocktail glasses, if youre a skincare brand you might send some white fluffy towels that help your products stand out against the towels, of a light up mirror to highlight their great skin etc)
  4. Give them creative control - they know their audience and what works best - let them do work their magic :)

What if my gifts aren’t worth $150? Am I not eligible for #gifted?

If your item is under $150 that's totally fine, of course you can still use #gifted! You just need to make a bundle that is over the $150 min value. 

A great example is we have a tea brand who are a fab user of #gifted, and although their packs of tea are only valued at $11.95 each, they created a beautiful bundle for creators that included a teapot, teacup & saucer and a cute teaspoon, and a breakfast serving tray to serve tea in bed or on the sofa. This bought the total bundle value up to $168. This resulted in beautiful content that was perfectly on brand because they provided the props needed to make the collab a success!

Another example is a skincare brand that makes stick on eyepatches. These are valued at 29.95, but to increase the value of the item they gifted each influencer a bundle including a fluffy branded robe, slippers and a towelling headband to keep hair off their face while applying. Again, this bought the bundle over the min value and made it a really enticing package for the influencers to receive and share!

Think about your gift as a PR bundle, that you would send out to journalists and media when launching a product. You wouldn't just send them 20 x packs of tea - that wouldn't make them amazed by your brand! You’d think of a meaningful way to create a brand experience for them at home that also helps provide them with props to create cool content for you.

So we always say, the best measure of a collab getting approved on #gifted is ‘Is it fair?” “Is it fun?” and “would I do this collab myself?”.

What if a creator didn’t like my product? Do they still have to post?

We’re all about authenticity, which is what works best for brands and creators. We want them to share their real experiences with any products or services through #gifted.

If they dont love the product, you can or course agree that the influencer sends the product back to you (it’s best practice to offer to send them a return satchel) and cancel the collab in #gifted, or ask the creator to withdraw from their side.

How long does it take for creators to post content?

Obviously creators are also people with real lives and paying jobs (either paid creator work, or full time roles) so we always say allow around 2 weeks from when they receive the item to post content. It's important to think about authenticity for time of post too - for example, if your product is seasonal (ie swimwear) you’ll want them to create and share content in a sunny period, not if it's been raining all week! 

Dont forget you can chat directly with the creators straight in the platform, so you can both keep each other in the loop at any time :) 

What's the best resolution of the images for your app?

Great question! We obviously want the best look for our gifts to attract the right creators and influencers! The resolution that works is 1080x1920. Pro-tip, use the IG story template sizing in canva. That fits perfectly into our app! x

We want to upgrade our plan midway, does this mean we’re paying in full on top of our first subscription?

Upgrading your plan will not charge you an additional fee, other than the difference of your first subscription and your upgrade. :)

Can I use #gifted if I dont have a shopify account?

Yes! It is not a requirement to have a shopify account or even be an ecommerce brand to use #gifted! Plenty of brands who only have retail stores, or who are restaurants, hotels, hair salons etc use #gifted. If you have shopify, it just allows you to automate the order process from creator to your online shop. It's a nice feature if you have shopify, but certainly not an essential one!

Where are your influencers based?

#gifted is available for creators to sign up all over the globe! At the moment, about 85% of our creator base are located in Australia. As we launch into new markets this mix will always be changing.

Can I invite a creator to apply for my gift?

Absolutely. At the end of the post a gift flow, you will have the option to invite creators you already have a relationship with via email, as well as have a unique link you can share with others via message, social media, or even promote on your own instagram for example. Creators just download the app from the app or google play store and apply for approval, once approved as long as they match the parameters you set for your gifting, they will be able to apply for it. There is no fee for creators to join #gifted.

Do I get to keep the product after I help the brand?

You sure do! That’s all yours for doing your authentic review! :) Enjoy!

What happens if a brand cancels the gift but I have already received it?

You get to keep the gift, it's all yours! 

My item never arrived? What now?

Please let the brand know so they can track it down for you. If you have problems contacting the brand, please contact hello@hashgifted.com.

How do I change the gifting opportunities I see?

We match you with gifts based on your profile, including things like age, gender, interests, areas of expertise, and much more! Please let us know if you see an offer that really doesn't match you, so we can use your feedback to improve our algorithm.

How can I contact the #gifted team?

Need to contact us? Visit hashgifted.com/contact or email us hello@hashgifted.com and send us a note.

What countries do you operate in?

#gifted is designed to be used world over.

I haven’t seen any new gifts in my explore?

Everyday there are new gifts to swipe on, matched to your profile parameters including things like where you are based, your follower count, age, gender and interests. Each time a gift is approved, it will appear in the app in real time for you to check out! When you’re all caught up on gifts, you’ll see a screen to let you know you’re at the end of that days gifts, and all you need to do is wait till it refreshes with more gifts. We’ll send you a reminder notification too so you dont miss any goodies!

When and how can I leave reviews?

At the end of each collab, we want to hear how it went! There is an opportunity for each party (brand and creator) to review each other. This helps keep the marketplace working seamlessly! There is also the opportunity to leave feedback that comes just to us at #gifted, if you want to let us know something that is just between us ;) 

BRANDS: You can do this at any time for your booked influencers by tapping the Review button next to their profile info.

INFLUENCER: You can review the brand once the gift has been completed. Simply mark the collab as ‘complete’ and a prompt will show in your messages :) 

Who decides what the exchange is - me or the brand?

We connect you directly with the brand so you can chat directly, we’re not here to be the awkward chaperone on your date! When you both ‘match’ you can let them know what you could do in exchange for what the gift is on offer. For example you might offer 3 stories with a link to their website. Or, a Tiktok video. Or, a carousel of photos that includes their product/brand. You’re the creative - let them know how you can bring their brand to life in a way that is a win for both of you, and feels organic to your feed. If you cant align, that’s OK too! Just withdraw from the collab, just like ‘unmatching’ on a dating app :) 

How long does it take for brands to pick the creators they want to gift?

I wish there was a standard answer to this one! Some brands select creators the same day that they post their gift! Others pick a few people each week, over many months. Others might wait a few weeks to see who matches with their brand, and then make their selects. There’s no firm answer here, but rest assured if you swiped on the gift your interest has been sent to the brand and we’ll notify you if they want to gift you the goodies :) 

What are the requirements to join #gifted as a creator?

Our system keeps everyone's follower count and engagement rates checked up to date, and flags any accounts that fall under these requirements.

Currently, #gifted is in the process of updating our creator requirements to meet the changing needs of our brands. More and more brands are asking us for creators with 3k followers on Instagram, 10k followers on TikTok and engagement rates above 1%.

We have also implemented more analytical tools to review a creator's audience, followers, engagement pod activity, and growth over time to ensure it is organic and doesn’t include any fraudulent audience.

If you still want to work with us, you'd need to meet these new requirements, but you can reapply at any time. :)

How does content usage work on #gifted?

On #gifted, brands can either have a starter, grow, or PRO account. Brands with a PRO account have content licensing rights to the content created through gifted, as long as they remain subscribed to #Gifted. 

You can easily see if a brand is on a PRO account by checking their profile before you match. It’s entirely up to you whether you want to proceed with the collaboration or not with a PRO brand. Not all PRO brands use content for amplification - some are PRO simply because it unlocks benefits for them like the ability to gift unlimited creators, set audience targeting, and receive story capture.

If a brand doesn’t have the PRO badge, they won’t have the rights to use your content beyond the agreed scope. All brands should credit you when they repost your content :) as an industry best practice.

The upside of working with PRO brands? If they use content created through #gifted by you across their paid social channels it boosts your visibility, strengthens your portfolio, and showcases you as a creator working with top-tier brands—opening the door for even more exciting opportunities down the line & likely grows your following!

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Get your product in the right hands fast. No more trawling Instagram, messy DM’s and crossing your fingers!

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