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I can't connect my Instagram Account to #gifted

I can't connect my Instagram Account to #gifted

What to do when #gifted can't find your Instagram account and how to prepare your Instagram account as creator

How #gifted uses your Instagram account

Follower count, engagement rate, and post performance are the bread and butter for every creator on Instagram.

#gifted utilizes your Instagram Insights, including follower count and engagement rate, to facilitate connections with brands offering exceptional gifts. Without this information, we regret to inform you that we're unable to link you to #gifted.

Creator accounts offer numerous advantages, including opportunities to monetize your content and grow your following. For more information, visit Instagram's Creator website!

Preparing your account for connecting to #gifted

Step 1 - Link your Instagram Account to Facebook

To link your Instagram account and Facebook profile:

  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right, then tap settings.
  3. Tap Accounts Centre at the bottom, then tap Set up Accounts Centre.
  4. Tap Add Facebook account and log in to, or select the account that you want to connect.
  5. Tap Yes, finish setup.
  6. Select whether you want to sync your profile photo, then tap Continue.

For more information, including how to unlink Instagram and Facebook, see Instagram Help.

Step 2 - Convert your Instagram Account to a Creator Account

To switch your personal account or business profile to a creator account:

  1. Go to your account and tap the hamburger menu.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Account
  4. Select your category. You can choose a category that best describes what you do.
  • If you are migrating from a personal account, choose Switch to professional account and tap Creator.
  • If you are migrating from a business profile, choose Switch to creator account.
  1. If offered, connect to your Facebook Page
  2. Review your contact information. At least one form of contact information is required. You'll have the option to display or hide this on your profile.
  3. Choose your profile display options. You can decide whether to hide or display your category and contact details on your profile.

For more information, see Instagram Help.

Step 3 - Link your Instagram Account to a new or existing Facebook page

To make sure you have a Facebook Page connected:

  1. In Instagram app, open the Menu and go to Settings
  2. Go to the Creator or Business section
  3. Select Connect a Facebook Page
  4. Choose Connect existing Page
  5. Select the Page from a list and tap Done

If you do not see the Connect a Facebook page option, switch your account between Creator to Professional then back to Creator again.

For more information, see Instagram help.


Make sure your registered Facebook email address has been verified

Sometimes, Facebook will not allow you to connect to #gifted if your email address has not been verified with Facebook. This is a simple thing to check and go to through the verification process. See Add or Remove an email from your Facebook account.

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